$325 for 1 Residence Energy Rating!

Rebate Information

Additional Information


* Indicates a required field
Contact Details

Give use some basic details about your Family Name and Home. After this we'll choose a day that will work for you.

First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Mailing Address *
Apt #
City *
State *
Zip *
General Location *
These locations are equivilant to the map from the ASC Yellow Pages.
Click here to view this map in a new window.
Home or Building Information

Service *
Year Built
# Bedrooms
# Occupants
# Sq Feet

Actual ANUAL Energy Costs (if known).


Do you have any comments or requests concerning this appointment?


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3 + 1 =
Review/Accept Terms, & Schedule

The cost for an “AS-IS” energy audit for homes including garages that are 3000 square feet or less is $425.00. Homes larger than 3000sf will incur an up charge of $.10 cents per square foot, to be determined at the time of the audit. Payments for the energy audit can be made to Hafele Design & Construction via check or cash (we do not accept credit cards) at the time of the audit. The final “AS-IS” report will be mailed to you, unless other arrangements are made.

If all provisions above are not met at the time of the audit, the testing will be re-scheduled and an additional fee of $100 will be applied.

I am the owner of this property and it is my primary residence. I have carefully reviewed and filled out the pre screening test form to the best of my knowledge and belief.

All form fields are required.